Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. Melotonin helps regultate other hormones and maintains the body's circadian rhtym. Darkness stimulates the production while light suppresses its activity. So sleeping with lights can distrupt it normal activities easly. Young children have the highest levels of the nighttime melotonin. Melatonin is very important also because it has strong antioxidant effects.
what is melatonin
Histology topics
Part 1: Epithelium and Simple Glands
Part 2: Stains, Cells, and Ultrastructure (EM)
Part 3: Connective Tissue Proper
Part 4: Connective Tissue Cells
Part 5: Blood and Capillaries
Part 6: Neural Tissue
Part 7: Muscle
Part 8: Cardiovascular System
Part 9: Specialized Connective Tissue - Cartilage and Bone
Part 10: Endochondral Ossification
Part 11: Bone Marrow and Hemopoiesis
Part 12: Lymphoid Tissues and Organs
Part 13: Skin (Integument) and Tongue
Part 14: Endocrine Glands
Part 15: Respiratory Tract
Part 16: Urinary Tract - Kidney
Part 17: Gastrointestinal Tract
Part 18: Gastrointestinal Mucosa and Cells
Part 19: Major Digestive Glands - Liver, Salivaries, and Pancreas
Part 20: Male Reproductive Tract
Part 21: Female Reproductive Tract - Ovary, Oviduct, and Uterus
Part 22: Female Reproductive Tract - Cervix, Vagina, Umbilical Cord, Placenta, and Mammary Gland