
Adherens Junctions
Adherens junctions provide strong mechanical attachments between adjacent cells.
They hold cardiac muscle cells tightly together as the heart expands and contracts.
They hold epithelial cells together.
They seem to be responsible for contact inhibition.
Some adherens junctions are present in narrow bands connecting adjacent cells.
Others are present in discrete patches holding the cells together.
Adherens junctions are built from:
cadherins — transmembrane proteins (shown in red) whose
–extracellular segments bind to each other and
–whose intracellular segments bind to
catenins (yellow). Catenins are connected to actin filament
One of the oncogenes that is frequently found in colon cancer appears to be the mutated version of a protein that normally interacts with catenins. Loss of functioning adherens junctions may also lead to tumor metastasis.

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