Histology, The Science of Cells

The cell is the fundamental living unit in all life forms and the perfect example of nature’s genius operating at the microscopic level. From the first time when Anton Van Leeuwenhoek first observed cells under a microscope, the study of histology has come a long way. Histology is basically study of living cells and tissues under a microscope. As the science progressed, it was discovered that organisms such as Viruses which were much smaller than the most microscopic of bacteria were connected to the most gigantic of life forms by the same units known as cells.

Histology has helped identify differences invisible to the naked eye between animal and plant cells. The identification of a cell wall in plant cells which was absent in the latter has helped science delve into the fascinating regulatory mechanisms of plants. It has helped identify the causative agents of several dreaded illnesses and helped identify cures and immunization against many of them. It has helped understand and eventually, manipulate the life cycles of several microorganisms and plants leading to an industrial revolution of sorts that can boast of achievements ranging from cheese to Biofuel.

One of the biggest achievements of Histopathology has been in the field of medicine. From the use of humble stains to make cells visible to electron microscopy, the science of Histology has paved way for the detection and eradication several medical conditions. The latest diagnostic techniques and markers are being developed each day in a bid to improve the detection of conditions such as Cancer, Neonatal diseases, Genetic disorders. This is first step towards unlocking their cures in the future. Histology also forms an integral part of research aimed at plant and animal tissue culture. The science of Histology is our window to a fascinating world otherwise invisible to us.

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