histology and technic

Before a pathologist / biologist the fine details of a patient sample / evaluate an experiment may be the tissue processing a detailed assessment. These methods can take as Histotechnik together and are largely from laboratory histological biomedical analysts or (V) by MTA.

The tissue processing laboratory in histodiagnostischen includes the following terms:
Fixation to stabilize the tissue (Hauptfixans: 4% neutral buffered formaldehyde solution)
macroscopic examination of meaningful cut tissue districts. In the pathology and medical activities pertaining to the diagnostic process.
Drainage and impregnation of the fabric with liquid paraffin
Einblocken of the tissue in paraffin wax, paraffin cuboid is produced, which includes the tissue.
In modern Histologielaboren the Gewebsstückchen in so-called "Einbettkassetten" laid.

In these tissue sample through the drainage and Einparaffinierung. Then the cassette serves as a base block and can thus in the so-called quick-release frame, with the most modern microtomes are, to be fixed.
Manufacture of 2-5 microns thick slices on microtomes
Pulling on the cuts (coated) glass slides
Histologic staining

The processing of tissue FFPE (formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue), including the Hämatoxylin-eosin staining, the world-wide routine method of Pathology and lasts an average of one to two days from adoption of the samples to the findings. In contrast to the clinical laboratory, many chemical steps carried out by hand. Especially the production cut at microtomes requires great skill.

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